Small Faith GROWS UP!

Many people say, “I want to grow in faith!” Why do they say that? Because they have God-sized needs and have realized they’re not God. If that is you, then put on your running shoes and join me on a 5K Faith Walk.

Let’s warm up first with a look at the awe-inspiring things God has done, is doing and will do:

  • Created the Universe by his Words. Created you, too! (Power & Purpose)
  • Promised a Savior when mankind sinned and fractured the Creation (Mercy)
  • Sent his willing Son to heal the fracture through his death, burial and resurrection (Grace)
  • Promised to take all who believe in his Son to the New Creation forever (All the above)

God coaches us on our Faith Walk with these Words: “He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also give us all things.” (Gracious Father)

Now that we’ve warmed up, let’s GO! So, take one step toward the God-sized need you can’t meet while you think on his awesome acts.

Take one step. Then another and another. You’ll grow your faith.

Greg Hood
Executive Director